Local Groups

Akron, OH Volunteer Rally Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns. We understand the need to organize, members of this council will focus on showing up and speaking out for our reproductive freedoms. This group is designed to organize rallies throughout our region. Some roles include: - Marshalling. - Recruiting volunteers. - Recruiting story tellers, speakers and entertainers. - Tracking current/future legislation impacting reproductive freedoms. Malik Swisher, Field Organizing Fellow (Akron/Cleveland) Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio [email protected]
1 Members

Lander Valley Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
1 Members
B N.

Williston Womens Rights Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
1 Members
Brookelynn L.

west Fort Worth Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
1 Members
Connie P.

Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
1 Members
Ryan S.

Athens, Ohio Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
1 Members

Prevent the Preventable During Pregnancy and Child Birth

Prevent the preventable during pregnancy and childbirth through education and testing for syphilis. Safe sex is still needed through use of condoms even while pregnant if you are not in a fully monogamous relationship and unfortunately, even if you think you are it is better safe than sorry to at least get tested in 1st and 3rd trimester and also during childbirth. Even while pregnant you can be treated for syphilis, possibly saving that child from life long deficits or even death. Syphilis has made a drastic return in the past 5 years and education is needed to encourage testing and safe sex practices.
1 Members
Audrey V.

Mounds Park Academy Racial Justice Club

Our key priorities are: leadership development, grassroots organizing, public policy advocacy, and electoral organizing, fundamental critical theory understanding, and safe space organizing.
1 Members
Sana P.

Woodland Park, Colorado Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns. We do not believe god has a say over our bodies
1 Members
Joshua V.

Skidmore College Planned Parenthood Generation Action

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
1 Members
Tess G.